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CSSbiDESIGN and Covid-19 Lockdown Update

As we all know, on Monday evening President Ramophosa announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown starting from 23:59 on the evening of Thursday, 26th March. We know this is a scary time for all business owners and your clients, as we are already started experiencing the impact of this terrible virus. We understand what you as a business owner go through. The impact of COVID-19 on the world and each individual is a new threat that will change our lives as we know it and it is up to each and every one of us to play our part and ensure that the spread and effects of the virus are limited as much as possible.

CSSbiDESIGN would like to express that while this unprecedented situation continues to develop, the safety of our employees, customers and partners remains our top concern and with the lockdown now a reality, would we like to share the following to continue the fight against COVID-19 but also help small business owners in these difficult times.

On Monday evening, the government encouraged people to remain productive and if possible, to work from home. Insuring to have NO contact with any person except those residing at your home, and your duties does not interfere in any manner with the Covid-19 response.

Some of our products and services will be unfortunately be limited by the lockdown, although, CSSbiDESIGN has taken the decision to remain in operation from our homes and continue to provide our valuable service to our existing and new clients.

The impact on the economy, especially LOCAL SMALL BUSINESSES, is already so severe that we believe with the help of technology and internet, CSSbiDESIGN can continue to assist clients with:

While keeping the health and wellbeing of our own staff and each individual human being in mind, while ensuring we do not interfere with government officials battling to flatten this outbreak, will the following be implemented with immediate effect:

Obeying by the rules:

Our sales team, developers and admin will obey the rules set by Government and go in full lockdown at their homes. All team communication will only be conducted electronically.

Conducting meetings:

No personal face-to-face meetings will be taking place while South Africa is in lockdown. All new, or existing clients can still contact us in our general business hours at a time best suited to them via Skype, WhatsApp, Mobile, e-mail, web or any other preferred option.

Technical Support:

Our technical support team would be available to guide with any difficulties especially in the next few days, helping all clients who in need of help setting up emails on mobile devices, tablets or laptops ensuring you stay connected.

New Website Development or upgrades

We believe it is vital to the economy and would like to motivate clients to contact us and discuss possibilities where you can offer your services online and generate revenue. Any new or existing client who will be making use of our services in the lockdown, will automatically have a 15% discount applied to their invoice to help with their financial burden.

We can continue to fight Covid-19 and use technology to our advantage by adapting our way of conducting business. The world wide web is full of possibilities and there is always a way to make money online! For example, if you offer a consulting services, CSSbiDESIGN can assist you in developing a website that offer video stream consulting, allowing clients to make bookings and pay for your service online.

So why not give us a call and let us discuss in confidence your ideas, or what you do to see if there is a way where you can stay at home and still survive in these tough times.

Our Contact Details:

New and existing clients can contact CSSbiDESIGN on any of the following channels:

Finally, furthermore we at CSSbiDESIGN wish to all a safe stay and to be inspired towards each other as we can when we stand together growing.

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