SSL Website Security
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Certificates
Secure your website fast. GeoTrust® QuickSSL® Premium certificates are one of the quickest ways for you to start protecting online transactions and applications with SSL. With an automatic authentication and issuance process, it takes just minutes to get your QuickSSL Premium SSL certificate. After that, managing and renewing your certificates is a snap. With GeoTrust, you get inexpensive SSL without sacrificing convenience, choice, or reliability.
GeoTrust True BusinessID with Extended Validation (EV)
Make a strong security statement with the green address bar. GeoTrust® True BusinessID with EV (Extended Validation) is o ur premium business-class SSL security product, visually confirming the highest level of authentication available among SSL certificates.
GeoTrust True BusinessID certificates
Business-class SSL—only better. Whe n it comes to selecting SSL security for your business, you have a lot of choices. With GeoTrust, the decision is easy. GeoTrust® True BusinessID SSL certificates let your customers know that your site is trustworthy and that you take their security seriously enough to get your certificate from a security company.
GeoTrust True BusinessID Multi-Domain Certificates
With a GeoTrust True BusinessID Multi-Domain certificate, you can add, edit, or delete up to 25 domain names over the lifetime of the certificate. You can add, edit or delete any additional domain names to the subject alt name (SAN) field during the enrollment process or at any time during the lifecycle of the certificate.
GeoTrust True BusinessID Wild card Certificates
Secure multiple hostnames at minimal cost. Whether it’s your company’s home page or your mail server’s hostname, protecting sensitive information is your goal—and it’s our goal too. That’s why we offer GeoTrust® True BusinessID Wildcard SSL certificates. With a True BusinessID Wildcard certificate, you get high levels of encryption and authentication for unlimited hostnames on an unlimited number of servers, all with one certificate. You also get the dynamically date stamped GeoTrust True Site Seal to display so your web site visitors will know instantly that your security is current.
GeoTrust True BusinessID with Extended Validation (EV) Multi Domain
EV SSL can help you to protect your site from phishing scams and increase your customer transactions. True BusinessID with EV comes with the highest levels of identity authentication, up to 256-bit encryption, and the GeoTrust True Site® seal, to help maximize your Internet security coverage and online sales potential.
Secure Site Pro with EV
True 128-bit Extended Validation SSL Certificates
The most trusted and secure choice for Web site security helps attract more customers to y our site and gives them the confidence to complete their transactions, while enabling the strongest SSL encryption available to the most site visitors. Symantec® Secure Site Pro with EV includes premium SSL and more in a single solution
Secure Site with EV
Extended Validation SSL Certificates
Attract more customers to your site and give them the confidence to complete their transactions online by using Symantec® Secure Site with EV, premium SSL and more in a single solution
Secure Site Pro
True 128-bit SSL Certificates
Enable every Web site visitor to experience the strongest SSL encryption available to them and attract more customers to your site by using Symantec® Secure Site Pro, premium SSL and more in a single solution
Secure Site
SSL Certificates
Protect the transfer of sensitive data on Web sites, intranets, and extranets and assure your customers by using Symantec® Secure Site, premium SSL and more in a single solution
Symantec Code Signing
For developers and software publishers of active content, code signing reduces error messages and builds trust in your reputation. Symantec® Code Signing Certi ficates for Microsoft® Authenticode® authenticate your identity and validate code integrity.
Symantec Trust Seal
The Symantec Trust™ Seal shows the world that Symantec has confirmed your identity an d your site has passed the Symantec malware scan. The biggest companies in the world secure their Web sites with Symantec and inspire confidence by showing the Symantec seal. Now any Web site can build trust, credibility and loyalty online with the Symantec seal.
Thawte SSL Web Server EV Certificates
ESTABLISHES TRUST AND SECURITY AT A GLANCE Thawte® SSL Web Server Certificates with EV enable the most visible security indicator: the green address bar in high-security browsers, assuring users that your site is secure and your identity has been authenticated to the industry’s highest standard. When customers see the green address bar and the Thawte® Trusted Site Seal, they gain the confidence to complete their transaction. SSL Web Server Certificates with EV include Extended Validation, the Thawte Trusted Site Seal, free reissues, and a 30-day money back guarantee.
Thawte SSL 123 Web Server
Thawte® SSL123 Certificates have the fastest issuance time to quickly enable encrypted connections to your web server. This domain-only validation SSL Certificate provides up to 256-bit encryption for intranets, mail servers, and other web-based applications that are not at risk for phishing or fraud. SSL123 Certificates include domain authentication, the Thawte® Trusted Site Seal, free reissues, and a 30-day money back guarantee.
Thawte SSL Web Server Certificates
Thawte® SSL Web Server Certificates secure confidential information exchanged online and confirm your site’s identity to employees, business partners, and other users. When users click the Thawte® Trusted Site Seal or view certificate details, your organization name appears and shows that Thawte, a trusted certificate authority, has verified the site’s identity. SSL Web Server Certificates include full organization authentication, the Thawte Trusted Site Seal, free reissues, and a 30-day money back guarantee.
Thawte SGC SuperCerts
Thawte® SGC SuperCerts help keep online transactions secure by enabling every web site visitor to experience the strongest SSL encryption available to them. Most SSL certificates are capable of strong encryption (128-bit or higher), however, certain older browsers and operating systems cannot step-up to 128-bit encryption unless an SSL certificate with SGC technology is used. SGC SuperCerts include SGC, full organization authentication, the Thawte® Trusted Site Seal, free reissues, and a 30-day money back guarantee.
Thawte SSL Web Server Wildcard Certificates
Thawte® Wildcard SSL Certificates secure multiple subdomains with a single SSL Certificate, reducing management time and cost. Using the wildcard notation (an asterisk and period before your domain name) allows you to extend security to different subdomains based on your top-level domain name. Wildcard SSL Certificates include full organization validation, the Thawte® Trusted Site Seal, free reissues and a 30-day money back guarantee.
Thawte Code Signing Certificate
Easy online distribution has made it possible for developers to create fun and functional code, anywhere and everywhere. However, the potential for fraud and the spread of malicious code has increased as well. With a Thawte® Code Signing Certificate, your code will be as safe and trustworthy to customers as shrink-wrapped software from a store shelf.
PositiveSSL Certificates
128 bit SSL Certificates designed for encrypting web sites for low volume online transactions. Trusted by over 99.3% of current Internet users, Positive SSL is the solution for new websites or environments where trust has been established and entity verification (for identity assurance) is not needed. Positive SSL Certificates carry a $10,000 warranty.
Positive SSL Wildcard Certificates
128 bit SSL Certificates designed for encrypting web sites for low volume online transactions. Trusted by over 99.3% of current Internet users, Positive SSL is the solution for new websites or environments where trust has been established and entity verification (for identity assurance) is not needed. Positive SSL Certificates carry a $10,000 warranty.
Comodo Essential SSL Certificates
Issued within 10 minutes, an Essential SSL Certificate provides a quick cost effective solution to secure your customer transactions. More importantly, your customers are assured that it is safe to do business with you because sensitive information is encrypted and remains private.
Comodo Extended Validation Certificates
Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are the highest assurance certificate, perfect for reassuring your visitors. The green address bar, exclusive to EV SSL, provides visual assurance to visitors that the site is verified and secured.
Comodo EV SSL Multi Domain Certificates
EV Multi-Domain SSL Certificates (MDC’s) are the convenient and cost-effective solution for online businesses looking to secure multiple websites from a single certificate. Like regular EV certificates, MDC’s also display the trust-building green address bar to website visitors and provide the very highest levels of SSL security.
Comodo Instant SSL Certificates
128 bit SSL Certificates designed for securing leading web sites, as well as intranets and extranets. Trusted by over 99.3% of current Internet users, Instant SSL is the professional solution to securing your webserver. Instant SSL Certificates carry a warranty of $10,000.
Comodo Instant SSL Pro Certificates
An InstantSSL Pro Certificate enables you and your customers to complete transactions with the assurance that no one else can read or change information as it travels over the Internet. This leads to increased visitor conversion rate, lower Web site abandonment and an increase in average purchase price.
Comodo Instant SSL Premium
Instant SSL Premium Certificates enable you and your customers to complete transactions with the assurance that no one else can read or change information as it travels over the Internet. This leads to increased visitor conversion rates, lower Web site abandonment and an increase in average purchase price.
Comodo Premium Wildcard
Secure multiple websites with a single PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificate. For organizations hosting a single domain name but with different sub-domains (e.g. secure.comodo.com, www.comodo.com, accounts.comodo.com), the Wildcard Certificate is a cost effective and efficient means of securing all subdomains without the need to manage multiple certificates. All the features, compatibility and warranty of PremiumSSL included.
Comodo Multiple Domain Certificate
Secure multiple unique domains and subdomains on a single Unified Communications Certificate (UCC). Save money over buying individual certificates and consolidate your certificate needs in one UCC supported by MS® Exchange 2007/2010 and OCS 2007.
Comodo Unified Communication (UC)
Secure multiple unique domains and subdomains on a single Unified Communications Certificate (UCC). Save money over buying individual certificates and consolidate your certificate needs in one UCC supported by MS® ; Exchange 2007/2010 and OCS 2007.
Comodo Code Signing Certificates
Code Signing Digital IDs
What is Code Signing?
When customers buy software in a store, the source of that software is obvious.
Customers can tell who published the software, and they can see whether the package has been opened. These factors enable customers to make decisions about what software to purchase and how much to “trust” those products. Customers who download digital ly signed Active X controls, dynamic link libraries, .cab files or HTML content from your site can be confident that code really comes from you and hasn’t been altered or corrupted since it was created and signed. Digital IDs serve as virtual “shrink wrap” for your software: after you sign your code, if it is tampered with in any way, the digital signature will break and alert customers that the code has been altered and is not trustworthy.
Guard sensitive customer information, financial transactions and transmit confidential data with identity assured Extended Validation (EV) SGC SSL Certificates. These certificates provide 128- or 256-bit encryption to over 99% of Web site visitors by offering the strongest encryption and identity assurance available to every site visitor – even the millions using older versions of Windows and IE.
Comodo SGC (SGC)
Comodo SGC SSL Certificates upgrade the encryption capabilities of older browsers from 40-bit encryption into full 128- or 256-bit encryption. This means your website protects and is trusted by the highest number of internet users possible, even the millions using older versions of Windows and Internet Explorer.
Comodo SGC Wildcard
Secure unlimited sub-domains on your website with a single Comodo SGC Wildcard SSL Certificate (e.g. www.yourdomain.com, secure.yourdomain.com, signup.yourdomain.com). A Comodo SGC Wildcard SSL Certificate is a cost effective and efficient means of securing all sub-domains without the need to manage multiple certificates.
Rapidssl Certificate
Secure Your Site Fast, for Less
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers’ transactions secure with strong encryption, and you’ll speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL Wildcard Certificates
Secure Unlimited Sub-Domains Fast, for Less
RapidSSL® Wildcard Certificates help you secure all your subdomains with one, low-cost SSL certificate issued to *.yourdomain.com. We help you keep your customers’ transactions secure with strong encryption and you’ll speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation.
RapidSSL Certificates
Rapidssl Certificate
Secure Your Site Fast, for Less
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers’ transactions secure with strong encryption, and you’ll speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL Features
- Fast issuance and easy install
- 9 9+% browser support
- Up to 256-bit SSL encryption
- Free reissues
- Free support by web and email
- $10,000 warranty
- 7-day money back guarantee!
RapidSSL WildCard Certificates
RapidSSL Wildcard
Secure Unlimited Subdomains Fast, For Less
RapidSSL® Wildcard Certificates help you secure all your subdomains with one, low-cost SSL certificate issued to *.yourdomain.co m. We help you keep your customers’ transactions secure with strong encryption and you’ll speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation.
Buy New Or Renew Your RapidSSL Wildcard Certificates
RapidSSL Wildcard Features
- Unlimited subdomains secured
- Fast issuance and easy install
- 9 9+% browser support
- Up to 256-bit SSL encryption
- Free reissues
- Free support by web and email
- $5,000 warranty
- 7-day money back guarantee!